Bremer Canyon Killer Whales 2022

Bremer Canyon Killer Whales 2022 is in full swing as we enjoyed the company of multiple family pods today all on the hunt for their next meal. The strong winds had settled from the previous two days and we made our way to the sighting grounds to see how our Orca friends had gotten on over the last couple of days. It was only a matter of minutes before Orca were sighted and we smiled to see it was Lucy, Giovanni and family racing towards us for morning greetings. A joy to be so close to these apex predators as they spent the morning socialising underneath our feet and welcoming us into their relaxed morning of play and family time. 

The second sighting we had later in the morning was of another much loved family pod with Kidji and Blade cruising the The Patch. The family was al grouped together and had two well known males in Hookfin and Chalky joining with them. It appeared the boys were socialising with some of the ladies within the family pod and a spectacular sight to have three large males swimming within the one pod. The importance of social interactions and bond building is vital for these family pods as they grow up together and hunt together in the same fishing grounds. Welcoming us into their pod it provides an intimate relationship with the families and their complex family and social structures. Bremer Canyon Killer Whales 2022 is already twenty days in and we cannot wait for the rest of the season to unfold in the coming weeks.

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