Experience the extraordinary with the Orca of Bremer Bay as you meet the oceans apex predator and are welcomed into their world for a day. Patchy clouds didn’t dim the enthusiasm of our Pod Members onboard as we cruised out towards The Patch to begin our search for the Orca today. Shearwaters soared as they followed Queen and her pod who were in forage mode as they stretched out the hunting envelope. Still seeming very content after yesterdays meal Wonks and Stormy came over to say good morning before they returned back to forage mode alongside the family pod. El Notcho charged past and we joined up with Cookie and her family pod who were also looking carefully through The Patch in search of lunch. It took all of a second for the energy to change as Cookie began to powerfully tail slap and was followed by Spock as duelling tail slapping and tail lobbing erupted.
Explosions of white water unfolded just off our bow as the Orca began to lift their intensity level and call out to the rest of their pod members close by. Cookie launched and stepped up the noise level of her communication as she leapt into a stunning breach which was quickly followed by many more. It was extraordinary to watch as the Orca effortlessly launched themselves and it was clear to see their immense power and strength as they used their weight to make a cracking thud that echoed out to all those in the vicinity. Cookie charged forward as the entire family began to surge and move quickly sending white water flying in dramatic style as they covered ground quickly. Distant blows just ahead of them closed in quickly as we noticed Cheryl and her family pod retuning back to The Patch as Cookie flew past them. The Language of the Orca from Cookie earlier on was a callout to pod members ensuring everyone was on the same page and ready for the surge ahead of them. A thrilling time with the Orca and a wonderful opportunity to experience the extraordinary today with the incredible Orca of Bremer Bay.