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Welcome to Whale Watch Western Australia

Join The Pod® with Australia’s Number 1 whale watching experiences

We deliver unique, superior Whale Watching tours unrivalled anywhere in Australia providing our guests with the opportunity to Whale Watch Australia wide 12 months of the year.

Our year begins in Bremer Bay as we sight the oceans apex predator, the Orca (Killer Whale).

Join the award-winning Bremer Bay Orca Experience and meet the oceans apex predators with Australia’s most experienced Whale Watch family. Departing every summer from January to mid-April we visit the feeding grounds of the Orca and introduce you to the family pods who call this incredible southern ocean coastline home.

Western Australian Family Owned & Operated
Free Postcard & Quality Photos
Marine Scientists Expert Commentary
100% Safety Record
Premier Five Star Service


View our multi award winning whale watching experiences

Perth (Fremantle)

The two main species of whales sighted off Perth’s coastline are the Blue Whale and Humpback Whales. Other species have been sighted and these include Orca, Southern Right Whales, Sperm Whales, Beaked Whales, Minke Whales and many different species of Dolphins.

Bremer Bay

Bremer Bay whale watching is an experience that you will always treasure. The famous Bremer Bay Orca (Killer Whales) visit off the coast of the small Western Australian coastal town of Bremer Bay every summer.


The picturesque town of Augusta in Western Australia is a sanctuary and meeting place for two of the greatest whale species found in Australian waters, the Humpback and Southern Right Whale.


Western Australia’s oldest town plays host to the Humpback & Southern Right migration every year from late May to early October. It is a magnet for West Australians and both national and international visitors.


The tourist holiday town of Dunsborough in Western Australia is a hot spot for West Australians and both national and international visitors. Most visitors come for the annual Humpback & Southern Right Whale migration.


The tourist holiday town of Busselton is famous for its world renowned 1.8km wooden jetty that stretches out into Geographe Bay, a resting area for the southern migration of the Humpback Whale and the calving grounds of the Southern Right Whale.


Orca (Killer Whales) are the largest member of the oceanic dolphin family.

A true apex predator, Orca live in matrilineal pods with the elder females leading the family. The Orca of Bremer Bay live in family pods of 6-20 individuals and during each journey we will introduce you to the families we meet.


The most acrobatic cetacean species for their size, the Humpback Whale.

The Humpback Whale can reach 14-16 meters in length and weigh up to 45 tons. The Western Australian coastline welcomes the arrival every year of the largest Humpback Whale migration on the planet throughout our winter and spring.

Blue Whale

The largest mammal ever to grace the planet, the Blue Whale

The Blue Whale can measure 31 meters in length and weigh 100+ tons. Classified endangered there is an estimated only 12 to 20,000 remaining around the globe, the Perth Canyon is the Autumn feeding grounds of these incredible whales and one of the only locations in the world the elusive Blue Whale can be sighted in the wild.

Southern Right Whale

Gentle, endangered and mammoth in size

Tragically their name was coined because they were very inquisitive and occupied waters close to the beach to give birth to their young so they were the right whale to hunt in the southern ocean and a favourite amongst whalers.

The Daily Whale™

View our tour adventures in The Daily Whale blog! Australia’s premier whale watching experience updates you daily from Western Australia!

Whale Watch Western Australia
Humpback Mother and Calf Southern Migration Humpback mother and calf southern migration on another wonderful day spent with many pods in the waters just off Fremantle.
Whale Watch Western Australia
Epic Fremantle Whale Watch Experience It was an epic Fremantle Whale Watch experience this morning as the Humpback Whales lit up the Indian Ocean and we found ourselves surrounded
Whale Watch Western Australia
Perth Whale Sighting Grounds Perth Whale sighting grounds are located between Rottnest Island and the Perth coastline as thousands of Humpback Whales make their annual...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Humpback Calf Breaching Humpback calf breaching was the theme of the day as the little ones showed off their best moves with spectacular breaching for all to see.
Whale Watch Western Australia
Rottnest Island Whale Tours Rottnest Island Whale tours today as we observed a pod of four mother Humpback Whales and their playful calves enjoy over ninety minutes of..
Whale Watch Western Australia
Curious Humpback Whale Interactions Curious Humpback Whale interactions can be enjoyed during October as today we had multiple calves socialising while two bachelor pods also...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Humpback Calf Fluke Identification Humpback calf fluke identification is a big part of every tour as we have the opportunity to document and id members of the next generation..
Whale Watch Western Australia
Whale Watch WA Tours Whale Watch WA Tours with the Humpback Whales was spectacular day as we met bouncy and playful Humpback calves with a competition pod...
Whale Watch Western Australia
Fremantle Blue Whales Fremantle Blue Whales were observed today as two enormous Blues travelled less than a kilometre from the shore while the Humpbacks put...
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Frequently Asked Questions

Are whale sightings guaranteed?

You are guaranteed to see the whale of your tour or you are welcome to travel again free of charge. Our guarantee is in place as we have a very accurate sighting record, however we are interacting with wild whales and should the unlikely event of a no sighting day occur you have peace of mind in knowing you will be able to join us again at no charge to sight the whale of your tour.

When can I go whale watching in Western Australia?

Whale Watch Western Australia is the only company in Australia who operate whale watch experiences all year. Depending on when you would like to go whale watching or what species you would like to see relates to our available experiences throughout the year that follow the different whale migrations and seasons.

January to April
Bremer Canyon Orca Experience

Sighting – Orca, Sperm Whale, Pilot Whale, Oceanic Dolphin species, Sunfish, NZ Fur Seals, Australian Sea Lions and migratory seabirds.

April to May
Perth Canyon Blue Whale Experience

Sighting – Blue Whales, Oceanic Dolphin species, Sunfish and migratory seabirds

May to August
Augusta Whale Watch Experience

Sighting – Humpback Whales, Southern Right Whales, Dolphins and migratory seabirds

September to December
Perth Whale Watch Experience

Sighting – Humpback Whales, Dolphins and occasional sightings of Southern Right Whales and Blue Whales

Are tours suitable for children?

All of our experiences are family friendly and it is largely dependant on your Childs experience onboard vessels and type of experience you would like to join. We have onboard toy boxes, colour in pages and blankets for the enjoyment and comfort of Children onboard.

Our Humpback season operates over six months and is a perfect experience for all age groups including infants. The tours are approximately two hours in duration and this shorter time frame is ideal for guests who have not travelled on a boat before or have a busy travel itinerary.

Our Orca and Blue Whale Experiences are suitable for Children over ten years of age and with previous ocean travel experience. These all day tours are a wonderful opportunity for older Children to sight some of the most elusive whale species in the world. We must be mindful that it is a long day at sea for Children and their suitability to join the tour is dependant on their age, experience and each individual.

What should I bring?

A jacket is recommended even on warm days as the sea breeze can be cool, sunglasses, hat, camera and motion sickness medication if required.

What happens if it rains?

Our vessel is the largest and most luxurious whale watch vessel in Western Australia and has many covered areas so rain does not affect your tour. We do recommend bringing a rain jacket or poncho should showers be forecast so you can still enjoy the outside areas without getting wet.

How many whales can we see?

Every tour is different and the amount of whales we can sight on one day or tour is dependant on what whales are around at the time. On average five whales are sighted on each tour and on some occasions we may only sight one whale or break a record for the amount of whales sighted in one day.

Will I get motion sickness?

Everyone is an individual and we do recommend speaking with your doctor or local chemist if you believe you may be susceptible to motion sickness. Please prepare with motion sickness medication as recommend by your health care professional and this has been proven to lessen the likely hood of becoming unwell. We recommend that preparation is always the best option for guests.

What time of day is best for whale watching?

There is no specific time of day or weather that is best for whale watching. The most important factor is how many whales are within the area you will be visiting which is why there are specific seasons in place to ensure the best opportunity for sighting whales.

Are tours safe for pregnant women?

Yes, tours are perfectly safe for pregnant women but we do recommend consulting with your doctor should you suffer from morning sickness or are susceptible to motion sickness.

What will I learn?

You will Learn the Language of the Whales with Whale Watch Western Australia. We specialise in teaching our guests all about the language of the different species of whales that we interact with over our different seasons. Our live and educational commentary is run throughout your experience so you understand with in-depth information and stories the life of the amazing whales of Western Australia. Our wish is for you to depart being able to speak fluent whale and share your newfound knowledge with family and friends which will ensure that the education of whales is continued. Your time onboard is more than an experience, it is an education!

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