Whale Watching Queensland

Whale Watching Tours, Gold Coast, Queensland

Join The Pod® and Learn The Language of the Whales™ as you are welcomed onboard Australia’s newest, state of the art purpose built Whale Watch vessel to immerse yourself in the world of the whales in the waters off Surfers Paradise.

Our dedicated and passionate Whale Watch family have designed each journey to educate and inspire our guests on the incredible history and life of the Humpback Whale. Our vessel has been specifically designed to ensure that our time with the whales is respectful, emission efficient and meaningful. Our moto is to observe and not influence behaviour ensuring that the behaviours we witness are natural and we are better able to match the energy of the whales with our brand new vessels design.

Every tour has our 100% lifetime sighting guarantee and in the unlikely event that the whale species of your tour is not sighted you will receive a return ticket that can be used at anytime in the future with no expiry date or passed on to family and friends.

Visit our Whale Watch Queensland Website