Whale Watch WA

Whale Watch WA started our morning cruise out towards the Humpback sighting grounds and it didn’t take long until we saw our first Humpback. Venturing closer we could see two mum and calf pods socialising together teaching the Language of the Whales. After a little while one of the mum and calf pods decided it was time to head off on their own and for the little one most likely have a feed of milk before the next stage of their journey. A huge splash a few hundred meters away erupted so we went up to see what all the fuss was about. A gorgeous yearling began to breach excitedly right in line with the Rottnest Island lighthouse creating a very iconic photo and moment. It looked like this youngster was looking for a friend and continued to call out but without a response eventually decided to continue south a little further.

After a lovely morning with the whales we were excited to head back out for the afternoon as winds eased further and just like this morning the Humpbacks were waiting for us. It was once again mother and calves which was great to see and meet a few of the little ones so early on in the southbound migration. A very energetic calf was rolling around mum with tail lobs and spy hops as the little ones curiosity was clear to see. A second whale was sighted next to the pair and at first glance what we thought was another mum and calf turned out to be a gorgeous yearling who was gently approaching to join the mum and calf pod for a bit of protection and social time. The young calf was over the moon to have a new friend and spent the entire time showing off what he could do, the young yearling started to copy the young calf with pec slaps and mini spy hops of his own. As the winds completely dropped we spent the rest of the tour watching these beautiful young whales interact and socialising until it was time to say our farewells and wish them all well for their journey ahead.

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