Western Australia Humpback Tours

Whale Watch Western Australia

Western Australia Humpback tours on a fine spring day with well over twenty whales stretching out and enjoying the sunshine. Temperatures were warm and butterflies were being carried out with the easterlies making the environment feel very much like spring had bloomed. The whales have certainly noticed the change of season as today we had many mature breeding age adults moving through the sighting grounds. The initial wave of whales heading south are the teenagers but now we are sighting more of the adults who carry with them much confidence as they have travelled this journey many times over. The main pod we had the opportunity of interacting with today was three lovely bachelor males who were hanging out together. Nearby pods were moving past the area steadily with a few tail lobs, pec slaps and some powerful head lunges observed from them.

The bachelor boys were interested but didn’t wast energy chasing after whales who were not encouraging their attention or approach. The local Bottlenose Dolphins popped in for a quick hello before continuing on with their afternoon foraging. It is always great to see them but with their busy schedule of sourcing enough food each day for the family pod these dolphins often travel big distances which means although we don’t see them on every tour they are generally never too far away. The bachelor boys were trumpeting and came over to check us out as they seemed to be unwinding after a big swim to get to this stage of their migration. Still a long way from Antarctica these hours of resting and mingling are very important to refresh these weary travellers after many thousands of kilometres swimming along the Western Australian coastline. Western Australia Humpback tours from Perth are a fantastic opportunity to sight the worlds largest Humpback Whale migration on the planet as over 45,000 beautiful whales pass by Perth from September to November.


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