Humpback Competition Pod

Whale Watch Western Australia

Humpback competition pod surged through the sighting grounds today as multiple pods scattered when over twelve bachelor males collided. Our morning began at a much quieter pace as the first pods we observed were keeping a low profile and moving steadily away from a particular location. The spot they were nervous about was just ahead and it was soon clear to see why, a Humpback competition pod had started to form and things were about to get tense! Surging towards the female we watched on as the initial pod of four grew to eight and then eventually twelve big males were on scene and competing amongst themselves to get closest to the female. It was white water rafting as they dived under and around the Steep Point desperately looking for a distraction to try and outmanoeuvre each other to get closest to the lead of the race.

The female was also working hard to keep ahead of the males and although late in the season to be observing intense conception pods this one was certainly taking us back in time to the winter season. Rumbling through the sighting grounds it was now very clear why the other pods earlier this morning had been cautious in attracting attention towards themselves, they didn’t want to receive the attention from all these bachelor males. The female had managed to wiggle her way in the opposite direction of the majority of pursuing males and as she quickly moved away with 1-2 challengers the rest of the bachelor boys began to slowly settle and regroup up into large bachelor pods as they made their way towards Rottnest Island. A very exciting and exhilarating whale watch experience this morning and a great example of how you never know what wonderful whales you will meet and behaviours you will observe on this spectacular southbound migration.


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