Perth Whale and Dolphin Tours

Whale Watch Western Australia

Perth Whale and Dolphin Tours can be enjoyed during the spring as the southbound migrating Humpback Whales meet the local resident Bottlenose Dolphins resulting in plenty of fun and social interactions. Our first interaction on this beautiful spring morning was with a relaxed mum and calf pod who were looking for the perfect spot to have a morning feed and sleep. She eventually located her preferred area and as they settled in for a rest we approached a pod of nearby juveniles who had just woken up after a morning snooze. Launching into two spectacular full body breaches it was the perfect way to kickstart their morning as they moved our way for a closer look. The local Bottlenose Dolphins surfaced nearby and before we knew it all cetaceans were mingling alongside us as we drifted with the morning breeze. Cetaceans is a term used to describe whales, dolphins and porpoises including two members of the cetacean family this morning of Humpback Whales and Bottlenose Dolphins.

The playtime continued for over an hour as they twisted and rolled together with the dolphins doing their best to outmanoeuvre and bow ride the excited Humpbacks. Plenty of loud trumpeting exhalations reflected their excitement as soon all of the pod was under and around the Steep Point. It is always a very special interaction when we are welcomed to Join The Pod in these social encounters and allow the whales to take charge of the interaction. Spy hops, a cheeky tail lob and plenty of whale kisses were enjoyed as each powerful exhalation floated past us due to how close these juveniles had approached, they certainly had broken down that reactionary distance to practically nothing! During these encounters it is best to drift and allow the whales to manoeuvre around the vessel until their curiosity is satisfied. After an hour of fun they slowly began to move off an it provided us with an opportunity to tiptoe away and wish them well for the rest of their morning ahead. A secondary mum and calf pod had also briefly approached with interest and began to swim with a few extra pod members from the dolphin family on this lovely morning as we enjoyed a very special Perth whale and dolphin tour.


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