Humpback Calves Arrive in Fremantle

Whale Watch Western Australia

Humpback calves arrive in Fremantle as today was our first wave of mums and bubs taking up room in the sighting grounds with multiple pods observed. It was a beautiful spring day with a big blue sky, light easterlies and a turquoise sea greeting us as we made our way past the Port of Fremantle and out into the sighting grounds. Our first sighting was of a relaxed mum and calf who were moving slowly towards the coast when the little one lifted upwards in a big spy hop / breach with eyes wide open peering back our way with much curiosity. Further mums and calves were stretched out and enjoying their time in the sighting grounds with a social mum, calf and male escort approaching us for a closer look. It was the theme of the day as mums and calves throughout both our morning and afternoon tour were sighted in good numbers with these new arrivals hopefully set to spend the next few days here.

The afternoon also observed a few boisterous bachelor males who were in a social pod which had turned competitive for a short time as they pursued a mother travelling with her calf. The mother whale managed to outmanoeuvre the males and left them to it as she moved over to the resting grounds with the other mums and calves. The boys continued on and managed to cover some ground which soon put them in range of a yet another bachelor pod socialising in the same manner. A big spy hop from one of the boys was observed as he curiously looked our way and a great reflection today of how the behaviours of a calf all the way through to a mature adult was the same with a curious spy hop our way. It is this beautiful nature we see from the Humpback Whales throughout all of their age groups which is a great joy to spend time with and be allowed to Join The Pod with these friendly and welcoming whales. Humpback calves arrive in Fremantle and we cannot wait for the weeks ahead with these bouncy, beautiful babies!


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