Humpback Whale Pec Slap

Whale Watch Western Australia

Humpback Whale pec slap was the language of the day as on all three trips the spectacular pec slap was on show as multiple pods, adults and calves communicated in the resting grounds. It was a steady three days of wind and rain as the front moved through and this morning with no wind and a calm sea it was the perfect time to get back out on the water and enjoy the company of the hundreds of Humpback Whales currently moving past our coastline. It was the theme of the day as multiple pods were observed pec slapping with breaching, tail slapping and head lunging also observed. During days when we have so many pods around it isn’t uncommon to observe many opportunities to see this spectacular Language of the Whales on show as the pods communicate amongst each other and teach their calves.

Today the mother whales were friendly and confident as they demonstrated to their babies how to perfect the pec slap and we smiled to see the little ones join in with the action. Due to the strong storm that moved through there was also a lot of seaweed floating around and the Humpback Whales certainly took notice as many of them enjoyed rolling and playing in the seaweed. The calves especially love this but the enjoyment of a seaweed massage doesn’t disappear as they get older with the mums and escort males joining in on the fun today as well. The Humpback Whale pec slap is a vital part of how whales will attracted attention towards themselves and very important for the young calves to learn this skill as early as possible. The little ones all did well today as many called in nearby pods to begin social interactions while the mother whales called in the bachelor boys to find their escort and bodyguard for the next stage of the journey south.


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