Whale Watch WA Tours

Whale Watch Western Australia

Whale Watch WA Tours with the Humpback Whales was spectacular day as we met bouncy and playful Humpback calves with a competition pod during our midday tour a lovely surprise. It has been all about the calves over the last week as hundreds of bubs migrate south with their mums and this morning we had a beautiful calm day with resting pods surrounding us in the sighting grounds. Surfacing close to us we enjoyed some relaxed time with them all before wishing them well for their snooze ahead as we moved out to further pods. Breaching had begun and three pods were communicating amongst each other but one calf in particular stole the show. Breaching repeatedly alongside us it was incredibly exciting to meet this boisterous bub who was full of enthusiasm and having the time of his life perfecting his breaching technique.

Our midday tour also enjoyed some beautiful weather as the sunshine filled day continued. Amongst a few resting pods we noticed a commotion of two mums and two calves hanging out together with the little black bellied calf having the most fun. Rolling around at the surface the youngster was loving this playtime opportunity while practicing pec slapping and a few lazy tail lobs while showing off to the second calf. Eventually they had worn themselves out and it was now time for snoozing as mums settled in for sleep time as we moved out to further pods. A competition pod had appeared out of nowhere as five males charged after each other in dramatic fashion with white water and flukes flying. It was a rather exciting way to complete our midday tour as we wished them all well for the long journey southbound back towards Antarctica.

The sun was still shining but it was low in the sky as we enjoyed a light and refreshing sea breeze for the sunset tour ahead. The little ones who had been resting were now wide awake as the mums joined in with breaching, tail lobbing, pec slapping and head lunging observed amongst multiple pods both near and far as the Language of the Whales was on full display. One of the pods in particular was rather special as we had three mums and calves spread over fifty meters all swimming with the same momentum as each calf launched into full body breaching. Breach after breach as all three tried to outdo each other which had everyone smiling from ear to ear including all our very excited crew! Even after all these years observing whales every breach still has the same impact and thrill especially when watching calves starting out in their breaching. The three amigos were all boys and we cannot wait for them to grow into healthy young adults and join in with the competition pods in the future to see all that hard work and practice pay off for their adult days ahead. It was yet another incredible day with the Humpback Whales and a joy to spend our time with these precious little families currently migrating south along our WA coastline.


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