Curious Humpback Whale Interactions

Whale Watch Western Australia

Curious Humpback Whale interactions can be enjoyed during October as today we had multiple calves socialising while two bachelor pods also found us very interesting! The temperature is slowly increasing as we move closer towards summertime and with that change of season hundreds of mothers and calves are currently migrating south everyday. Playtime amongst the calves was enjoyed on both our morning and midday tour along with matching high energy bachelor pods. The calves were excitable and enjoying playtime with new friends as one calf in particular really stood out from the others, this little one was completely silver. A beautiful young calf and looking healthy we spent some time collecting id images of both mum and calf in hopes of re-sighting them in the future. Tail lobs, pec slapping and breaching were practiced throughout the day amongst multiple pods and it was fantastic to see them all having so much fun.

On both tours today we also observed many bachelor males moving through with a pod of 5-7 travelling together in the morning and a pod of 7-9 competing whales during the midday tour. It is always amazing to watch the boys give every bit of energy they have to competing even this late in the season and as they jostled for position there was plenty of fluke swiping and chasing observed. Our midday tour also observed a very curious mother and calf who broke away from the social pod to hangout right underneath us as a large shipping vessel moved past. Mother and calf took the time to hide in our sound footprint while having a thorough investigation of the Steep Point as they moved in and under the bow and stern. Drifting with them we always appreciate these interactions where a mother whale shows such trust towards us and provides a unique connection with these wild whales. Another beautiful day enjoying curious Humpback Whale interactions in the sheltered waters off Fremantle.


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