Perth Whale Sighting Grounds

Whale Watch Western Australia

Perth Whale sighting grounds are located between Rottnest Island and the Perth coastline as thousands of Humpback Whales make their annual migration during the spring. It was set to be an exciting day with the whales as dozens of pods were observed on our morning, midday and sunset tour. Mother whales and their calves have certainly taken over the coastline and enjoying every minute of it as they spread out and make the most of their time in the Perth whale sighting grounds. Today we also had a few more bachelor males moving through onboard our midday tour which added an extra layer of excitement amongst the pods. One male in particular had an enormous white belly which displayed all of his many battle scars as he glowed below the surface while charging after the other challenger males within his vicinity.

The boys will search the sighting grounds in hopes of looking for suitable females who will accept them into their pod. It can take some searching as many of the mum and calf pods keep to themselves but eventually they will find a mother whale who accepts them. One mother whale during our sunset cruise was only young but incredibly curious as she approached us with her boisterous male calf. He was gorgeous and launched into a full body breach just off our bow as he continued to show off to everyone watching his spectacular surface display. Every whale we meet has a unique personality and today was a fantastic example of this as some whales were reserved while others were outrageously confident especially amongst the bachelor males while they competed for the females attention. Yet another wonderful day with the Humpback Whales in the waters just off the Perth coastline and we cannot wait to head back out tomorrow to see what interactions unfold.


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