Australian Killer Whales can be observed every January to April in the Bremer Canyons as we meet family pods that visit this region every year. Today there were a few thunderstorms expected inshore as we departed with a big blue sky and conditions easing from yesterday. Arriving in The Patch we searched for signs of the Orca as a slinky dorsal fin was observed and a little further ahead again an oil slick. It appeared the Australian Killer Whales had been successful in a hunt as they now returned back to forage mode and seemed to be tracking something important. Stealthy and deliberate in their movement approximately an hour after the first oil slick the surge was on as they raced towards the continental shelf. It was exhilarating to travel with them all as the moved efficiently and soon gathered around what they had been stalking for an hour.
A greenish plume appeared as the Orca closed in around each other and began to share their meal happily. Today we had three family pods all mingling and working together including much loved matriarch Cookie who was responsible for this hunt and shared her meal with all those that assisted in the chase. Playtime unfolded a little while later after they had completed their meal as pod members swam around us and with us, it was easy to see their excitement and contentment. After pushing to the east and retracing their tracks it was time to surge back to the west as the call went out and everyone joined in with inverted fluke slapping, breaching and tail slapping as the ocean came to life around us with surface active Orca. A beautiful day as the rain met us back at the boat harbour with a low rumble of thunder making for a cosy welcome back to Bremer Bay.