Graphic Content Warning: Beaked Whale Predation
Consecutive Beaked Whale predations were observed on an incredible day with the Bremer Canyon Orca as three families numbering 60 Orca succeeded in a double hunt. The morning began like any other out in The Patch as shortly after our arrival blows were sighted as Alki and her family greeted us happily and came over for their good mornings. A small oil slick appeared and it seemed they had been successful in finding some squid for breakfast as the food was shared quickly before the adults resumed foraging and the youngsters began to play. A short time later it was a very sudden change as they accelerated and all began surging with much power and speed with further Orca ahead. It was Lucky and her family pod as the enormous adults of this family surged and gathered collectively with white water flying and the kill of a juvenile Beaked Whale completing quickly. The family was ferocious in their feeding as over thirty Orca including Alki and family arrived on scene and the food was shared out. The boys in this family were misbehaving and in a behaviour we have not observed before one of the males was bitten by one of the elder females to bring him into line! Koomba now has a fresh bite wound which will heal up fine but a warning from the female not to take what was not his.
It was a remarkable moment as we rarely ever see any aggression between the Orca but Lucky and family are a different pod altogether. The family consists of many mature adults and today they all appeared extremely hungry with the many boys of the family a little too fervent for their share. The females ensure harmony and discipline amongst the family pod and today with the extra level of excitement it was important for the elder females to control the males that were so focused on the food that they quickly forgot their manners! Alki and her family shared a small portion of the meal that had been left for them as tail slapping followed the hunt to call in pod members. Queen and her family moved in shortly afterwards and seemed rather glum, they had unusually missed out on this Beaked Whale predation opportunity which was very unlike them. Regrouping they moved out of the area and got back to work immediately, foraging resumed and all seemed to settle back into a more relaxed rhythm. A little while later the youngsters of Queen’s family suddenly picked up speed and moved in towards us quickly which was interesting as the adults had not yet surfaced.
A few moments later we soon realised why the calves were excited, Queen and all of the elders of the family surfaced right on our bow and to our absolute shock and astonishment there was a juvenile Beaked Whale wedged amongst them all! It was completely unexpected as there had been no lead up to this moment and the capture of this poor Beaked Whale had been so quick. The following part of the hunt went for much longer as the family remained calm and gathered around this Beaked Whale as for the next 25 minutes they allowed it to remain at the surface swimming as they followed. A couple attempts of an escape were thwarted by Tarni as she would accelerate ahead of the Beaked Whale before lifting it upwards to slow it down. The family was not cruel but methodical and patient as they waited until the very end before inflicting a deep wound which resulted in blood loss at a rapid rate which weakend the Beaked Whale. Tarni waited until the movement slowed and just as it appeared the Beaked Whale was blacking out the family quickly pushed it downwards to initiate the final stage of the hunt which was to drown their prey. The hunt was complete and in the most empathetic way possible with minimal distress to the Beaked Whale in wounds inflicted. The family could have easily been much more aggressive but they refrained and instead ensured the hunt was completed safely and patiently.
The family was excited as during the final stages of the hunt they breached, spy hopped and fluke slapped to gather everyone. It is a sight we have seen many times before with Queen and today was very impacting after the first hunt in the morning with Lucky’s pod resulting in an intense hunt and surprisingly aggressive feeding not observed previously. Queen was much more reserved with her hunt and maintained a sense of calm throughout while ensuring feeding was civilised with no biting of pod members or discipline needed. It was a truely remarkable day and incredible to witness consecutive Beaked Whale predations with Queen once again amazing us with her hunting abilities. Never underestimate the Queen of the Bremer Canyons!