Whale Watching Perth Western Australia is an incredible place to Learn the Language of the Whales™ especially during Spring as we observe the southern migration with many mothers and calves resting just off Perth. Meeting a relaxed mother and her little one this morning we made a gentle approach and joined up with them as they cruised along and enjoyed a leisurely Saturday morning. Breakfast was delicious 48% fat milk for the calf and we noticed the suckling type behaviour with regular intervals from mum to the surface and back again. A peaceful morning that very suddenly changed when a local Bottlenose Dolphin began to approach the pod and captured the attention of the young calf. Launching into a full body breach the Humpback calf landed upside down, rostrum first and a very big splash followed. Displaying confidence towards the Bottlenose Dolphin and letting him know that this was her mum and milk bar.. do not come too close please was the message to the Dolphin.
The Dolphin had started the conversation but the young calf now took the opportunity to continue breaching, head lunging, peduncle and tail slapping with one or two pectoral slaps thrown in as well and we were fortunate to sight an incredible variety of surface behaviours from the Language of the Whales™. Due to the extreme breaching we had the perfect view of her lower belly and could confirm that this was a female calf and she was very interested in us. Her eyes were wide open as she would breach or head lunge and look back at everyone watching her, seeming pleased with all of her new human friends. She then spied small tuffs of floating seaweed and it wasn’t long before she was rolling around in the seaweed and scaring the tiny baitfish around her. Everything went quiet and we could see that the baitfish were becoming increasingly nervous and jumping around, surely she was up to something and it was then that she launched. Completely airborne and only meters away from alongside our vessel, “Breeeach!” and what a beauty it was. Whale Watching Perth Western Australia is a perfect place to meet our magnificent Humpback Whales and enjoy learning all about them.