Three generations of the same Bremer Orca family greeted us this morning on our arrival in the canyon. Matriarch Queen (Split Tip), daughter Flapper and her new calf Stormy swam directly at our bow and alongside our vessel as our marine scientist Vale could hear their faint vocalisations as they moved past. Repeating this process a few times we were very humbled to be in the company of three generations of Bremer Orca as they enjoyed catching up after a few days of this particular family being out of the Patch and in different hunting grounds. The rest of the family were feeding just up ahead and we let them enjoy their breakfast as we joined with Noosa and her son Urkel as they cruised through the canyon. The rest of their family were travelling not far away as usual and we enjoyed watching them forage, soon the young teenage male Nani decided foraging time was over and it was now time to play! Bringing a few of his younger family members with him, all three circled around us and came in to investigate our propulsion and excited guests on the bow. A beautiful day that was completed with Pilot Whales surging to the west who were also being accompanied by Offshore Bottlenose Dolphins in a pod of 80+ cetaceans on the move. The Bremer Canyon is certainly a very special place for so many.