Watch Whales In Western Australia all year round with Whale Watch Western Australia and during September to December join us as we witness the largest southern Humpback Whale migration on the planet. Over 45,000 Humpbacks Whales journey back south towards the summer feeding grounds located in Antarctica with 3 to 5,000 new Humpback calves joining this migration in Season 2019. A beautiful day with offshore winds welcomed us to the sighting grounds and tall exhalations first captured our attention. Slowing and watching carefully we were surprised to see out of the blue an enormous pectoral start waving at us! Pec slap after pec slap followed as this female Humpback continued to flirt with the two males following her around. Seeming to be looking for the most suitable mate to escort her on the next leg of their journey south.
A mother and her calf surfaced close by and although interested in the noise up ahead, she carefully positioned her calf within a safe reactionary distance from the commotion. Watching on we were mesmerised to watch each pec slap as it would rise and fall effortlessly. Eventually, the younger male left the area and as a form of celebration and courtship, both male and female Humpbacks started to pec slap together. Now that they had joined together their attention became focused towards us as they pec slapped their way over before approaching within centimetres of our vessel. A special moment to watch whales in Western Australia and have two beautiful whales focusing their attention and energy towards us… simply amazing!