Perth City Blue Whales took our breath away today as literally out of the blue the largest creature on our planet appeared! The morning was beautiful as sunshine and warm easterly winds carried us out into the sightings grounds. Even before we left Sardine Jetty we had Hiccups the local Bottlenose Dolphin swim over to say hello which was a rather nice way to start the morning. Departing the Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour and venturing into beautiful coloured water, everyone began watching carefully and scanned the horizon for signs of whales on the migration path. A quieter day it was to begin with as we continued on and scanned through the sighting grounds. Nobody out in deeper waters so we ventured back towards one of the areas mothers and calves often like to rest in and the unmistakable arch of a humpback Whale appeared. We were getting to know mother Humpback and her little calf as we watched them gently resting when a small glimpse to our port side appeared and kept going and going… what was that very long individual?
A beautiful Albatross glided by right at this time and we were amazed at how quickly this morning was fast becoming a rather interesting one! The long individual surfaced once more and the call excitedly echoed around the boat, “Blue Whale” and what a beautiful blue this one was. A young whale of 16-18 meters, she must have been a bit curious towards the Humpbacks as she travelled past less than 100 meters from them before continuing on. Every surfacing was incredible as we watched the skyline of Perth CBD create the perfect backdrop for this migrating Blue Whale… Perth City Blue Whales and a sight we will always treasure. A perfect example of how you never know what to expect until you start exploring and today we were very pleased to have the privilege of meeting a beautiful Bottlenose Dolphin, Albatross, mother Humpback and calf with our majestic Blue Whale completing a fascinating day out on the water!