WA Killer Whales

WA Killer Whales were spectacular today in the waters of the Bremer Canyon as they lept high into the sky with incredible surface active displays! Our first greeting was by the unique and rather interesting Sunfish and this large individual was enjoying a breakfast of jellyfish to go. It wasn’t long after our meeting with the Sunfish that exhales and tall dorsal fins were sighted just up ahead, the Orca had returned to the Patch. Excitedly we watched and waited for the next resurfacing which appeared just behind our stern as the rest of the family caught up and we were very quickly greeted by a gorgeous male we haven’t met since last season, Digger. He isn’t part of B-Slice’s family pod but was travelling with them today and after a quick hello they began to move into the Patch.

Cruising along we looked to our starboard side as another distinctive dorsal broke the surface right alongside us, it was El Notcho and his entire family. They were also pushing into the Patch and we were all travelling together as one big happy family pod when our morning got even better… the Queen had arrived! And there she was in all of her Split Fin glory as this special matriarch came straight towards our bow. We weren’t the only ones happy to see her as Swirl swiftly swam straight towards us and under our bow to greet the Queen excitedly. The rest of our morning and afternoon we witnessed incredible surface displays as the little ones from B-Slice’s pod including Echo, Wasco and Blade all joined together to play with Swirl, Stormy and even B-Slice joined in on the fun. A truly special day to witness spectacular surface activity as the Orca filled the Southern Ocean with much fun and joy, Orca living their best life out here in the wild and we couldn’t be happier!

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