Humpback calf feeding is a vital part of the migration for these youngsters and today we had the privilege of being welcomed into the pod as baby fed alongside us. The gentle pitter patter of rain enveloped us as the peaceful morning created perfect conditions for mothers and calves to rest and enjoy their time in the waters off Fremantle. A large, jet black arch of a Humpback broke the surface and we calmly approached this large female and her gorgeous calf. Watching and waiting carefully, we watched as the shadow of mother and calf began to approach our port side before a powerful exhale interrupted the still conditions. Mother and calf were both very interested towards us and we felt that this was the moment of investigation from mum as she checked us out.
Happy with what she found and responding to our curious but respectful nature, mother Humpback disappeared below the surface along with her calf. The next resurfacing was very interesting, our little calf was circling above mum and showing the typical behaviour of Humpback calf feeding. It was exciting to know that this female trusted us and was happy to feed her calf right underneath our feet a few meters below the surface. A good feed this calf enjoyed as in total we had four feeding surfacing’s as he would have a quick look over at us on each return to the surface. It was a truly memorable and intimate morning as we sat calmly in the gentle rain and the only disturbance was the powerful exhalation of both mother and calf on each surfacing as the rain rolled over them.