Humpback Whales Meet in Augusta

Humpback Whales meet in Augusta every day during the winter months as this afternoon three seperate pods made the most of the easing weather conditions. Flinders Bay remains remarkably sheltered even during the worst storms and over the last few days the howling winds and pouring rain have finally cleared. Our first interaction was with a lovely individual who was a whale on a mission, swimming strongly towards the reef line in efficient time. A perfect opportunity for Grace to launch her drone and collect images and date of this whale for the Fat Whales Project. Our second pod was an enormous pair of adults in cruise control meandering towards the middle of the bay in no hurry and seemed to be looking for the perfect spot to stop and rest for a little while.

Taking a bit of time to rest and relax after a big swim from Antarctica is important for these Humpback Whales to ensure they are prepared for the long journey yet ahead. Breaching closer to the coast erupted as a younger whale began to communicate the Language of the Whales™️. A second individual had approached this whale and it was a perfect example of how Humpback Whales meet in Augusta. During their time in Flinders Bay some will rest while others seek the company of other whales as these two individuals took some time to get to know each other. Socialising in the bay was a perfect way for these two lovely whales to begin their weekend.

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