Augusta Whale Watch Season 2024 Begins

Augusta Whale Watch Season 2024 Begins

Augusta Whale Watch Season 2024 begins as the annual Humpback Whale migration takes over our coastline for the next wonderful six months. The first of the arrivals are juveniles, recently weaned yearlings and very eager male Humpback Whales. The water temperature further south has plummeted as this signals to the whales it is time to start heading north towards their much loved breeding and nursery grounds located along the northern Australian coastline. Travelling amongst the northbound Humpback Whales is the occasional Blue Whale, Minke Whale and Southern Right Whale as they also follow the urge to move north towards warmer waters for the winter months ahead. Our tours so far for the first week of Humpback Season 2024 has observed excitable and enthusiastic juveniles enjoying some time exploring and resting in Flinders Bay, Augusta before continuing northbound.

The next few weeks will see the numbers of Humpback Whales arriving in the bay increase dramatically as we can observe between 100 to 300 Humpback Whales per day charging through Flinders Bay. During their time here we observe many different behaviours such as resting, socialising and plenty of competing amongst the boys for the girls attention as the breeding season gets underway. It truly is one of the most special times of our year here in Australia as we enjoy the company of the charming and acrobatic Humpback Whale with over 70,000 individuals taking over both the east and west coast of Australia. A perfect time to see the start of the northern migration is currently in Augusta, Western Australia with tours departing daily from the Augusta Boat Harbour. A perfect tour for all age groups and within the sheltered waters of Flinders Bay as we meet the first of the population making their way past Cape Leeuwin before travelling the long journey up towards the Kimberly region. Join The Pod for Augusta Whale Watch Season 2024 and as we celebrate the start of another brilliant Humpback Whale migration that takes over the nation!