Recognising an Australian Southern Right Whale is all about the patterns and today we were very excited to re-sight a familiar Southern Right in Flinders Bay. Our morning began with the friendly local Bottlenose Dolphins who were foraging to find their next meal but took a few minutes to come over and great us. The pitter patter of rain surrounded us as we began to look for our migrating Humpback Whales and their recognisable blows. Big exhalations just up ahead formed as we watched a competition pod starting to form, but before we joined with them we first met a resting Humpback. Looking rather sleepy and enjoying the occasional rain shower this whale was curious towards us but also keeping an hear open towards the whales up ahead, he didn’t want to attract their attention which would mean his peaceful morning would come to an abrupt end! The three whales ahead started to bunch together and move with speed, while two others followed.
This escort pod had attracted the attention of a nearby bachelor male and although the primary escort had displayed a couple fo powerful breaches it did not deter the approach of the second whale. Moving with pace they jostled closely together and caused a couple of the other pods in the area around them to reposed. A few breaches and head lunge were performed to display strength as these Humpback Whales pushed towards the north. A familiar exhalation up ahead that should belong to a Southern Right Whale appeared… it wasn’t long before we could confirm it certainly was. It was easy to recognise this Australian Southern Right Whale due to the distinctive white spot on his back. We have affectionately named him/her Meeuk meaning moon in the local Noongar language to reflect the black of night and his bright white dot representing a glow of the full moon. Curiously swimming underneath and surfacing just off our bow it was a wonderful way to complete a special morning sighting three cetacean species in a special place!