Blue Whales Migration Path

Blue Whales Migration Path Whale Watch Western Australia

Blue Whales migration path along the Western Australian coastline is a vital corridor for the annual migration of these magnificent and endangered species. The population of Blue Whales that migrate along the Australian coastline every year make the same journey from the Bonney Upwelling, to the Perth Canyon and onwards to the Banda Sea before returning. Summer is spent in the nutrient rich waters upwelling along the southern Australian coastline in an area known as the Bonney Upwelling. Hundreds of Blue Whales feast on the abundant swarms of krill that are found during the summer months in preparation for their epic migration later in the year. The change of season signals the start of their journey as they travel past Bremer Bay, Albany and Augusta before making a right hand turn and travelling close to the coast past Busselton, Bunbury and Mandurah. Arriving in the Perth Canyon located behind Rottnest Island the Blue Whales once again feast on krill in preparation for the next leg of their journey which will take them into international waters as the Banda Sea in Indonesia provides krill and a warm nursery ground for the arrival of newborn calves. The return journey during the spring takes them back along the same migration corridor as they arrive in perfect timing for the summer feeding season in the Bonney Upwelling.

Year in, year out for generations the Blue Whales have made this journey and it is this safe migration corridor which has helped the Blue Whales navigate away from the brink of extinction and stabilise to a point where they can now begin a slow but steady recovery in their population numbers. It is an intricate migration path which we must protect and ensure that the Blue Whales along with many other species of wildlife can continue travelling along this migration track for many generations to come. During our journey from Bremer Bay and returning back to Fremantle we also travel along this same migration corridor as it is the most efficient way back home (no surprises we are learning from the wise whales of the sea!). Our return this year was filled with a very exciting moment as two enormous Blue Whales surfaced just south of Mandurah in only 36 meters of water along their migratory path travelling happily. The interaction observed between the two seemed to indicate a possible male pursuing a female as they were following each other excitedly and we are moving into the baleen whales breeding season. It was a perfect example of just how important this migratory track is to these whales and the importance of understanding and protecting what they need to live their lives safely and without interference to ensure the future of this endangered Blue Whale population. Our Perth Canyon Blue Whale Season 2024 begins this weekend and we cannot wait to spend some time with our beloved Blues.