Introducing Bremer Bay Orca calf Bubbles (WWWA06) who is absolutely adorable and named after our wonderful Pod Member Natalie! Sighted throughout this season growing, socialising and interacting with her family pod little Bubbles has reflected the same vibrant energy and enthusiasm as her namesake. It is always an exciting time to observe a brand new addition to the Bremer Bay Orca population as each calf is a vitally important member of the family pod. Living for well over half a century, a wild Orca takes many years of developing before they have completed their apex predator training from the elders of their family pod. Bubbles is still so young that she is currently enjoying a nutrient rich diet of mums milk which is assisting in developing her fat reserves. Over the coming months Bubbles will start to focus on the solid food that her family is enjoying and begin learning the diet of the family pod and how the family finds this important food source.
Orca pass down through the generations the knowledge that they have collected over their lifetime which also includes the food that they specialise in hunting. Bubbles focus for now is all about playtime and meal times as she happily swims alongside her mum all day. The future is bright for this little Orca and we cannot wait to watch as she continues to grow and develop, becoming an important hunter for the family pod in the future. The coming years will be spent exploring the waters off Bremer Bay and learning all about her neighbourhood. Fellow pods who associate with her family are also enjoying meeting and interacting with little Bubbles as Charlie, Stevie and Bonkers all spent some time socialising together. The next generation of Bremer Bay Orca are thriving and we are excited for many future seasons ahead with these incredible apex predators.
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