Bremer Bay Orca Tours

Bremer Bay Orca tours are departing daily onboard Whale Watch Western Australia and today was another exciting journey with the apex predators of our oceans. Shearwaters and Albatross soared high this morning as the easterly breeze enabled perfect gliding conditions to keep up with the fast moving Orca. It was Cheryl and her family in foraging mode as they focused in on The Patch and securing the next meal for the family pod. Eddie and Millie surged over in excitement to greet us, both still had so much energy even after their enormous playtime yesterday. Moni, Mia and Razor were keeping a close eye on the cheeky calves who spent most of the morning socialising and racing around us excitedly. One of the females in Cheryl’s pod may be in or coming into season as we have noticed much attention from a few of the boys over the last few interactions.

Today it was El Notcho who had his attention focused on the ladies, fitting as after all it is Valentines Day and he was in a very flirty mood! He approached our bow with wonderful energy as his powerful body lifted above the oceans surface and only meters from us in an incredible greeting, he is such an impressive boy. The surge began to the west as all pod members converged and we watched as the calves launched into surging alongside the adults. The fast movement of surging creates a lot of white water as the momentum lifts their bodies above the surface quickly. The family pod were throughly enjoying the surge west as they displayed typical dolphin behaviour with bow and wake riding around the vessel. Travelling a good distance outside of The Patch, it was now time to power back east before moving out towards deeper water in the southern side of the foraging grounds. Bremer Bay Orca tours unfold in a unique and thrilling day on each of our journeys and it is always a privilege to spend a day in the life of wild Orca.

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