Bremer Bay Orcas Best Tour

Whale Watch Western Australia

Bremer Bay Orcas best tour can be enjoyed with Whale Watch Western Australia as today we enjoyed an incredible interaction with playful, breaching calves and perfect weather. Arriving in The Patch we began to scan carefully for signs of life with the odd Shearwater gliding past in search mode, all eyes out for Orca. A lofty exhale was observed and then another as the whole family surfaced and we were very excited to see Kidji and her family enjoying a relaxing morning together. The calves were playful and while the adults continued to rest after greeting us the babies had only just gotten started with playtime. Watching carefully we could see they were carrying a small bit of food which looked heavy as it began to sink quickly each time the calves released it before collecting it again. Cubs, Cubby, Aurora Star and Sunny all had an absolute blast chasing after each other as they shared their remaining meal. It appeared to have possibly been Beaked Whale and with full bellies the adults made the most of an opportunity to rest.

The calves continued on with playtime as the last of their meal continued to diminish in size as they fed right off our bow with them holding the flesh mouth to mouth as they pulled it apart into tinier pieces. It is always incredible to witness feeding amongst Orca and even at a young age these little ones already understand the importance of sharing their meal. After a couple of hours rest for the adults while the calves fed and played it was time to go for the family and as they did the calves got all excited as they accelerated and began to breach, head lunge and fluke slap over and over! It was brilliant to watch as the calves challenged each other to see who could breach the highest with little Aurora Star completely airborne with fluke going wild through the air on a couple of the breaches which lost control. Fun was enjoyed by all in the family as they continued to cruise together and the calves made the most of the momentum with plenty of airtime enjoyed along the journey. It was a very special day to spend with Kidji and her family as we wished them well for their journey ahead as we continued on with ours on such a beautiful weather day and cruise back towards the Bremer Bay coastline.


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