Bremer Bay Whale Watching was exhilarating today as from the moment of arriving in The Patch we were surrounded by over fifty excitable Orca that surged and surfed with us all day long! It was set to be a special day as within a few minutes of arriving in The Patch blows were sighted and as we approached a wall of Orca was swimming right towards us, it was Lucky and her family. Wonderful to see them back in the heart of the hunting grounds again as they surrounded us excitedly and hung out for some morning greetings. Swimming alongside us was Shamrock and Rosie who came so very close for some GoPro closeups and fun before the family made the call and began to surge to the west as the whole family joined in on the fun. The entire 15 mile, nearly four hour journey was filled with bow riding, wake riding and plenty of spectacular moments as the Orca came so very close for the thrill of the surge.
A further two family pods joined in as we recognised members of the Bigg’s and Cheryl family pods who all came over to participate in the surfing session we were having with the Orca today. Our team worked hard today to capture every moment as the Orca kept them on the move as they zigged and zagged from port to starboard in our wake and up towards the bow. It was clear to see the Orca were having as much fun as we all were today and loving every minute of their adrenaline filled surge to the west. It is always remarkable to watch their speed and agility through the swell as thousands of kilograms of weight is moved effortlessly with such strength and precision. Towards the end of our time with the Orca we noticed a commotion moving in towards the area and decided to investigate. It didn’t take long before we were surrounded by the cheeky, smiling faces of the Pilot Whales with over sixty individuals swimming alongside us. A beautiful sight especially as there were a couple of brand new calves moving with their mums in the pod and after a 12 month long gestation it is always a wonderful time for the family to welcome new pod members. It was the perfect way to complete yet another incredible day with the Bremer Bay Orca, Pilot Whales, our elite crew and wonderful Pod Members onboard as champagne and beers were toasted on the way home to this incredible part of the world and the wildlife that make it extraordinary!