Bremer Bay wildlife journeys are a fantastic opportunity to meet some of the incredible species that live along our southern coastline. Today our first interaction was with the wonderful Pilot Whales as they moved in from the east and began to filter through the hunting grounds. It was fantastic to see them all and their happy little faces as they came over for morning greetings and their energy and enthusiasm is always noticeable, a wonderful species of cetacean to work with out in these canyons. Our next sighting was fleeting as a Ray darted past and although it may have been another Southern Eagle Ray we were not able to get a clear id confirmation as it was moving below the surface quickly. The next spot was something much larger and a species very special to observe in the wild, it was an enormous Sperm Whale! A lone male bull who calmly surfaced just ahead of us as he went through his usual routine of saturating with oxygen in preparation of his next foraging dive.
Drifting with the Sperm Whales is always special as they are such a peaceful species and when they are all oxygenated and ready to go they leave us with the most beautiful tail dive in the world. It was a beauty and we wished him well for his next 45+ minutes or so of work below ahead of him to secure his next meals. Continuing on a decent sized Hammerhead Shark cruised by and was on patrol for food as we continued our patrol for the Orca. Further blows were sighted and tuffs of white water as the Pilot Whales surged towards us with Offshore Bottlenose travelling with them and we estimated 150+ Pilot Whales spread over multiple pods. It was yet another surprise as peeling away from the Pilots was a large pod of Striped Dolphins, our first for the season! Always an exciting sign that autumn is well and truely here as they make their way past our coastline and up towards the Perth Canyon. Bow riding with us and porpoising excitedly it was a lovely time spent with this acrobatic species. These Bremer Bay wildlife journeys are always a unique insight into the productivity of these canyons and the importance this coastline plays in the lives of so many creatures. Although our Orca were not observed today we look forward to welcoming our Pod Members back onboard again soon for another journey to discover what treasures are to be found on our next experience.