Bremer Canyon Beaked Whale Hunt today in dramatic scenes as the Orca successfully completed an important hunt and celebrated together. It was a spectacular summer morning as we headed out to the sighting grounds with the deep blue of the Southern Ocean mesmerisingly beautiful amongst the glitter of a clear sunny morning. The Patch was peaceful and quiet as we scanned the horizon carefully for signs of activity amongst the searching Shearwaters. A peacefulness continued as we kept eyes on the lookout and our grid search began back towards The Patch as multiple blows and birds began to gather, the Orca had found a Beaked Whale and the hunt was on and unfolding quickly. Unsurprisingly it was the Queen of the canyon and her family along with Blade and members of his family pod who were in the heart of the hunt.
The Orca surrounded the Beaked Whale who was in a bad way with many bite wounds along the peduncle and fluke. Attempting to suffocate the individual many of the pod members took turns leaning and lying on top of the Beaked Whale who continued to wrestle free as the hunt continued. The Orca persisted and in a flash of white water stained with red a cloud of bubbles formed at the surface on the last dive of the Beaked Whale as the Orca successfully completed the battle. Celebration followed as Blade began to fluke slap and calves breached with joy as each pod member enjoyed their meal as a reward. One of the most haunting and memorable moments of the day was when young Orca Maddison lifted the skull of the Beaked Whale above the waters surface as she continued to carry her trophy, perhaps a coming of age moment for this young apex predator.