Bremer Orca Calf Mother Revealed

Helen (WWWA06) our most recent Orca calf in the Bremer population has had her mother revealed today and she is Nicki, part of the Alki Pod. It is very exciting news as Helen and Grace played and frolicked through the grounds today with much excitement, plenty of tactile behaviour as the new calf and her older siblings swam under our vessel upside down and showed prowess in the swimming of an animal older than herself. This is clear signs of the healthy state of our Bremer Bay Orca for a calf so young behaving in a very confident manner and shows the trust the older siblings have in bringing her closer to the vessel to greet and inspect our behaviour in their environment. We as a family are very blessed to have the opportunity to showcase these incredible creatures to the world and reciprocate their trust in ensuring we behave in a manner that is observation and not influencing their behaviour as best we can at all times.

Time with the Orca is closely monitored especially when there is only one pod in the patch however we were fortunate enough to have members of Queens Pod arrive late in the tour after another successful squid kill by her family the youngsters (Samurai, Stevey & Bubbles) played in our wake and around the vessel to the delight of our guests. After the close interaction Hookfin swam up to the vessel to say hello and it was a fitting end to another glorious day in the Bremer Canyon. Our guest chatted and looked over their photo’s as they enjoyed a champagne on the way back home with many contented folks astounded by what they had just witnessed in the enormous Southern Ocean, home to the Bremer Bay Orca Experience.

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