Bremer Orca Season 2023 begins as within moments of arriving in The Patch we were greeted by Flapper, Stormy and Wonks which was a most perfect way to begin the New Year. A calm morning greeted us as we departed the Bremer Bay Boat Harbour and made our way towards the sighting grounds. Scanning carefully on arrival the distinctive dorsal fins of Orca were headed straight for us as little Stormy raced over to say hello. Wonks and Flapper also looked fantastic with a good amount of weight gained over the winter and spring. Journeying with them they pushed towards the outskirts of another much loved dolphin species that visits these waters. Pilot Whales were moving in on the area and it wasn’t long until the 100+ individuals had cleared out the area of Orca and settled into foraging mode.
It was a successful day of hunting for them as multiple slicks would appear and it was also fantastic to meet some cheeky Offshore Bottlenose Dolphins who were also swimming and hunting alongside the Pilot Whales. Yet another highlight for the day was meeting a fast moving Sunfish, he was first sighted flying through the air and landing with a huge splash. It didn’t appear anything was chasing him though as he settled in to begin munching away on passing by Blue Bottles. Rejoining with Wonks and the family pod we smiled to see some excitement amongst them as a fresh squid kill had been made. Three Stripes proudly swam past our bow showing off the white and ruby red meal she was sharing and enjoying with her family. It was a wonderful way to begin the Bremer Orca Season 2023 with our Pod Members and interestingly it was Queen’s family just as we met today who we met back on the 2nd January 2022 showing that Queenie and her pod enjoy celebrating the New Year in Bremer Bay!