Bremer Orca Season 2025 Begins!

Whale Watch Western Australia

Bremer Orca Season 2025 begins! A beautiful warm summers day greeted us this morning as we made our way out to the sighting rounds with much excitement to see who we would meet on our first tour of Season 2025. Alki and her family pod welcomed us first as we arrived in The Patch and were socialising with Cheryl and her family pod today. It is always exhilarating to see the Orca in their wild home but even more so when you know individuals by name and their unique personality. Nani and Slater have grown so much since we last saw them in April with dorsal fins sprouting beautiful and much weight looking to have been gained. It is always a good indicator that they have enjoyed a successful winter and spring feeding season.

It was all about playtime as they wrestled, spy hopped and surfed around us excitedly as we were welcomed into the fun times. Our first interaction for the season with pods we have not spent time with for a while is always a meaningful and exciting experience. The boys did get a little carried away at times while playing with a bit of showing off occurring and everyone onboard seeing little too much detail! Throughout the day elder pod members would go on bouts of foraging dives before settling in to rest as they let the teen ergs and calves have some fun in the January sun. A very special way to start the New Year and fabulous to see them all looking so well, we cannot wait for the days ahead and further opportunities to reconnect with the Orca and see what they have all been up to over the last nine months. Thank you to all of our Pod Members who joined us today to celebrate the start of Orca Season 2025!


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