Dancing in the rain with the Humpback Whale today as a last of the northern migration make their way through Flinders Bay including a brand new calf observed today. The pitter patter of rain fell around the newborn and it was wonderful to meet one of the new members of this special population. The mother was relaxed and moving efficiently with her calf, most likely very keen on making her way further north into some warmer waters. Calves grow much more efficiently in warmer waters as the energy from each meal of milk is put towards growing in size and strength rather than trying to sustain a higher body temperature. Once the little ones are a bit older they will have increased in size and have better insulation as their blubber layer continues to grow each and everyday. Wishing mother and calf well they continued on their long journey ahead of them but as long as they are together it will be an enjoyable one for them both.
Further pods were moving through the bay as adults made the most of the calm conditions to cover ground efficiently. The still conditions enabled a clear view and auditory experience as the powerful exhalations could be heard clearly and have been recorded at over three hundred kilometres per hour. Surfacing amongst clumps of seaweed we could see the whales getting a bit of a facial as little bits of the seaweed became lodged on their rostrum before eventually coming free. Humpback Whales have very sensitive skin and notice the lightest touch especially on the upper and lower jaw with each round tubercle containing an individual hair much like the whiskers on your pet cat or dog. It was a lovely winters morning dancing amongst the rain with the Humpback Whales as we near the end of our Augusta season for 2023 with the southern migrations arrival imminent.