Experience in the Bremer Canyon

Whale Watch Western Australia

Experience in the Bremer Canyon was needed today as four family pods were observed with a Beaked Whale escape in the morning before a successful predation in the afternoon unfolded. It was set to be a very busy day as we arrived in The Patch with Kidji and her family moving through the hunting grounds. Aurora Star who is the newest calf in this family pod along with Sunny was thrilled to see us as she zoomed over with both calves playing right alongside us happily. The family continued onward and then something shocking occurred, two Beaked Whales surfaced no more than forty meters away heading to the west. The Beaked Whale pod was relaxed with no sign of them being aware of the Orca, but neither did we see any sign from the Orca they had noticed the Beaked Whale. It was a tense few seconds as we waited to see what would happen next and that was when Aurora Star noticed them and accelerated over to investigate. The moment she was within ten meters of they Beaked Whale they bolted and moments later Kidji and the family scrambled into pursuit mode.

It was incredible to watch as the family surged after the Beaked Whale who had been agile in making the first move and travelling at depth with speed away from the area and out to deeper water. The family continued to surge, regroup and then surge again as they desperately tried to close in the distance but after a while it appeared the Beaked Whale had made a successful escape as the family moved down to a second pod. It was Hermes and family including much loved calf Warnie who is missing his dorsal fin as he has done since birth. Looking very healthy and happy it was fantastic to see Warnie again as the family who had also joined in with the earlier surge settled into travel mode. A while later the energy picked up and the surge was back on, we wondered if the Beaked Whales had been found again as the family flew to the west. Everywhere we looked further Orca began to move as one and soon the distinctive sight of a Beaked Whale predation was taking place. To our amazement it was Queen and Alki who had joined forces with Hermes and her family pod to secure this Beaked Whale.

No surprises to see our Queen of the canyon successful against all odds again as she outmanoeuvred three other family pods to have the Beaked Whale in her families possession and control. The hunt completed quickly as over forty Orca gathered to feed with blood staining the ocean and a thick oil slick forming as the Shearwaters and multiple Wandering Albatross flocked to the feeding zone. The Orca lifted the fluke of the Beaked Whale above the surface and it was sad to see the demise of such a beautiful creature. The meal was shared out quickly with a long intestine being dragged past our bow before the skull and beak was also lifted for us to see. The family was very excited and understandably so as it had taken them all day and a near escape to secure this meal. Queen could be seen holding the meal as each pod member went to her and took their piece and we watched on in awe and amazement to see this incredible feeding event after a dramatic and high octane hunt. Our family and team have spent more time out in the canyon than anyone and it is this experience in the Bremer Canyon which ensures we can understand what is happening and be in the right areas at the right times consistently. We must think and act just like the Orca and who better to learn from than the Queen of the canyon herself who along with over 200 other Orca have educated us in knowing how to behave and respond to them in a way that earns their trust.

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