A beautiful day spent out on Flinders Bay with our wonderful Humpback whales. Lovely weather and friendly whales made this Friday a very special one. Many of our whales were taking some time to rest and recoup before continuing on their migration north and often they would be logging right next to our vessel for a while.
A competition pod was also sighted today and fantastic to see so much energy amongst this pod! The Language of Our Whales is very unique and especially on our afternoon tour today you could see how quickly the communication between pods can go from a resting state to incredible energy as one pod joins another and males compete for the right to mate with available females.
Our birdlife was active once again today with a very special moment on this mornings tour as high above our bow we could hear a ruckus as a Crested Tern tried to move away from a dominant Antarctic Skua who specialises in chasing other species until they are forced to regurgitate their last meal!
ID Log
Date – 1.7.16
Species – Humpback
Lat – 34 . 21. 28 Long – 115 . 12 . 38
Notes – One of the males from the competition pod