We were stunned today to see a white Humpback Whale in Flinders Bay after hearing only yesterday Migaloo had been sighted for the first time this season over on the east coast. A white Humpback Whale is incredibly rare and this beautiful individual caught our attention immediately! He was busy having joined a competition pod which gave the perfect opportunity to see the contrast between the dark dorsal fin of one whale and the complete opposite of the magnificently marked white whale.
The rain clouds approached and after a quick spy hop from one curious individual the Pilot Whales raced away from the canyon at high speed and as we turned around the magnificent silhouette of an Orca’s dorsal broke the surface, they had arrived! The Pilot Whales had long left the hunting grounds and the Orca swiftly returned back to foraging with all eyes focused on the next meal. Bindi and her calf came over for a quick hello just before we departed after another magnificent time in the Bremer Canyon. The large Hammerhead Shark was sighted twice today along with Albatross, Australasian Gannets, Crested Terns and Storm Petrels skimming the Southern Oceans surface.