Hillarys Tour
Hillarys Inaugural Whale Watch tour was celebrated today as Whale Watch 1 welcomed Pod Members for the very first time. Departing the Hillarys Boat Harbour we enjoyed the cruise out towards the sighting grounds as we began our search for Humpback mothers and calves enjoying some time off the coastline. The distinctive round out dive of a Humpback Whale could be sighted just ahead as a second pod moved out to our starboard side. The female we joined with was enormous and seemed content with escorting her calf towards Rottnest Island. The little one appeared to have a good feed of milk before launching into spectacular breaching, head lunging, pec slapping and peduncle slaps. Showing off that big white belly we could see that this was a young male calf and what a cutie he was! A second mother and calf were practicing inverted fluke slapping on the return journey home on a very special day celebrating our Hillarys inaugural Whale Watch tour onboard our brand new vessel Whale Watch 1.
Download Hillarys Departure Photos Here
Fremantle Tour
Our morning tour departing Fremantle onboard Steep Point was peaceful as we ventured to the sighting grounds as a light breeze ruffled the waters surface and a slinky dorsal fin popped up just ahead. A mother and her calf were cruising towards Rottnest and preparing to get ready for their departure back down the coastline when a commotion just ahead caught our attention. It was a second pod swimming directly towards us in a hurry as a female and her calf had the attention of a young bachelor male Humpback Whale. He was trying to show off to the females as he twisted and rolled, flashing that big white belly and balancing half his fluke above the waters surface. A breach on the horizon caused him to respond defensively with a powerful peduncle slap to show off his strength to the female. It appeared to work as she welcomed him into their pod and we wished them well for their journey ahead. A very big thank you to all of our Pod Members for Joining The Pod today!