Humpback Whales Migration Tours

Humpback Whales migration tours in Western Australia are coming to a close for the year of 2023. We have been providing these Humpback tours for over a decade in WA and after all that time we are still in awe of the immense discipline, courage and majestic skills of the Humpback Whales. Their journey commences in late April when they start to swim the enormous 13,000 kilometres round trip from the frigid waters of Antarctica to the balmy warm waters of the Kimberly’s to give birth, which is the priority and if not, to look for a partner to become pregnant for the following season. The Southern Ocean is renowned for it’s extreme weather and they transverse through there, push their 40 ton bodies all the way up to the Australian mainland and then through the autumn waters of the Indian Ocean and onto the winter climates in the Kimberly’s, which is some of the best weather in the world during that time of year.

Our families pearling operations would take up most of the winter climates and so it is the same with our enormous friends the Humpback Whales, they will give birth if pregnant, nurture and protect the calf for the following year, they will compete for females all the way along the 13,000 kilometres, they will breach sending 40 ton skyward, completely out of the water, pec slap, tail lob and communicate with all in the vicinity, yearlings and juveniles will learn the Language of the Whales™️ from their adult peer’s and though the younger ones will not travel the entire journey, they build up the capacity to do exactly that as they become part of the miracle that has seen them from near extinction, to a population in Western Australian waters today of around 45,000 which is the largest Humpback migration in the world. Our research and photo ID work goes on daily however we never forget what a gift these creatures have brought to our lives as Whale Watchers. Our Pod members, customers and crew help support the research and we are extremely grateful for everyones support as we get to show, learn and educate the following generations what a privilege we have to watch these wonderful mammals in their own environment and the efforts they go through to offer that opportunity to us, the Whale Watchers.

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