Jewels of the Southern Ocean it was today as the Orca were stunningly beautiful in the glass out conditions as incredibly another Beaked Whale was taken this afternoon. The morning was summer at its very best as a whisper of wind guided us to the sighting grounds and the calm blue sea seemed to stretch for eternity with the only distraction the twinkle of fishing dinghies along the continental shelf. The search began as we arrived in The Patch with the odd Shearwater trying their best in the no wind conditions to cover as much ground as possible. A beautiful Sunfish bobbed his enormous head above the sea as he gulped down a delicious Blue Bottle before continuing on to his next meal. Jesse and Chris did a fantastic job in removing two old fishing lines that were spotted on the oceans surface today and it was great to clear them from the area.
Our Pod Members on the bow made the call, Orca just ahead and it was a brilliant spot as Blade’s pod members surfaced calmly. It was the most spectacular of days to be with wild Orca as the glass off conditions made for a mirror to look into their would and it was sensationally beautiful. The energy changed quickly as a quick surge began and we could see B-Slice and his family converging just ahead. Akama began to swim directly towards us with her entire family surrounding her and we looked on in amazement and shock to see her towing the body of a Beaked Whale by its fluke. A sight we will never forget as she released the Beaked Whale who floated back up to the surface and we could see that they had already partially skinned the individual. The entire family moved past our bow and the feast began as boys B-Slice and Giovanni helped with their strength to pull apart the meal. Feeding began all around as excited Orca surged towards the area and socialised together in a celebration of their success.