Killer Whales on the Surge 2023

Killer Whales on the Surge 2023 as white water was sent flying and Orca were surfing the swell with us to the west. Shortly after arriving in The Patch we were greeted by Cheryl and Lucy along with their pod members as they mingled together. The energy was quickly about to change as further Orca arrived and we were very excited to see Lucky was back with her family. It is much earlier than usual to see Lucky with our first sighting of her and her family pod usually in late January. All together the Orca increased pace and started to surge playfully out to deeper waters. All age groups joined in with the young calves zipping past as the big males exploded powerfully sending water flying. It was a busy surge as they spread out far and wide covering much ground and keeping an eye open for any possible meal along the way. 

The Orca diverted as we noticed a wall of white water moving towards us, the Pilot Whales were back in town and moving fast! Racing over to us we wished Lucky and her family a good day ahead as they continued moving out as the Pilot Whales settled in all around us for some play and social interactions. Always gorgeous creatures to spend time with the cheeky personalities of the Pilot Whales always makes us smile. Tail slapping, head lunging and boisterous chasing amongst the pod members indicated they were in a playful mood and it was wonderful to spend some time with them all. Returning to The Patch we rejoined with Cheryl and Lucy’s pod members as B-Slice came over to say hello and began to circle around us repeatedly. Such an impressive male he is and always interested in everything that is happening around him. A perfect way to complete a busy day with the Orca and Pilot Whales of Bremer Bay.

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