Perth (Fremantle)
The two main species of whales sighted off Perth’s coastline are the Blue Whale and Humpback Whales. Other species have been sighted and these include Orca, Southern Right Whales, Sperm Whales, Beaked Whales, Minke Whales and many different species of Dolphins.

Bremer Bay
Bremer Bay whale watching is an experience that you will always treasure. The famous Bremer Bay Orca (Killer Whales) visit off the coast of the small Western Australian coastal town of Bremer Bay every summer.

The picturesque town of Augusta in Western Australia is a sanctuary and meeting place for two of the greatest whale species found in Australian waters, the Humpback and Southern Right Whale.

Western Australia’s oldest town plays host to the Humpback & Southern Right migration every year from late May to early October. It is a magnet for West Australians and both national and international visitors.

The tourist holiday town of Dunsborough in Western Australia is a hot spot for West Australians and both national and international visitors. Most visitors come for the annual Humpback & Southern Right Whale migration.

The tourist holiday town of Busselton is famous for its world renowned 1.8km wooden jetty that stretches out into Geographe Bay, a resting area for the southern migration of the Humpback Whale and the calving grounds of the Southern Right Whale.

Margaret River
There are beautiful Capes to discover but most visitors come for the annual Humpback & Southern Right Whale migration.

Queensland (Gold Coast)
Join us as we take in the sights of the beautiful Gold Coast Broadwater and begin our search for local Bottlenose Dolphins and seabirds on our journey towards the Humpback Whale sighting grounds.