Newborn Humpback calf who was only hours old was lifted to the surface as the little ones protective mother welcomed her new baby to the world. The intimate moment was a big surprise this morning as it felt like we had been momentarily transported to the Kimberly where many Humpback calves will be born this calving season. Instead we were floating in the Southern Ocean watching in awe as this newborn Humpback calf was familiarising itself with a big new world but anything is possible for the little one with mother Humpback right beside. The dorsal fin, fluke and pectorals were extremely floppy with the calf breathing every 30 seconds or less as mother whale calmly supported her calf when needed with her body as she lifted her calf closer to the surface.
A fourth mother and calf for the season so far and definitely one of the youngest Humpback calves we have observed this far south. The behaviour of mother whale and body condition of the calf indicated that this little one was only a few hours old and very likely to have been born in Flinders Bay. Staying only a short time, we gently tiptoed away to allow mother and calf to enjoy their morning together and continue building that strong bond. A large lone adult was cruising comfortably through the bay and appeared to be a pregnant female. Travelling at a steady pace she would gracefully lift her fluke during each surfacing and provide the perfect ID opportunity for this lovely whale. A unique day in Flinders Bay and a slightly quieter couple of days as the Humpback highway observes a slight ebb in the amount of whales migrating north. Ideal for the calves we have been sighting so they can enjoy some quiet time in the sheltered waters of the bay.