November Whale Watching in Fremantle

Whale Watch Western Australia

November Whale Watching in Fremantle is a perfect time to meet the last of the mums and calves making their journey towards Antarctica. Our first sighting today was a relaxed mum and calf getting some rest before they had to head off down south, we then came across our second pod and it was a big breach by baby that first got our attention. This little calf then started to roll around in seaweed on the surface right next to us before becoming very interested and spy hopping just off our bow. Mum surfaced a little while later to collect her calf  as she noticed the energy building nearby as a mother and her calf just ahead launched into big breaching. Her calf joined in with breaching, head lunging and a few pec slaps from mum for good measure as well. They continued on as they moved further into the resting grounds and it was great to see them both looking happy and content as new arrivals which we will hopefully see again over the next couple of days.

A stunning midday tour today with one mum and calf resting quietly as three playful mother and calf pods were communicating to each other. The calf in the first pod launched into a huge breach and it wasn’t long before that encouraged the other two to reply with some breaching of their own. Back and forth the communication went as all three calves continued to breach over and over again. The mum of the third calf slowly peeled away to the right but her calf really wanted to stay and play so he kept breaching and head lunging to try and convince his mum to let him stay but she wanted to rest so maintained a distance from the other two active calves. The other two calves kept on challenging each other with breaches and looked to be having so much fun, but after almost an hour of activity the mother of the smallest calf decided it was time to rest as she gently rolled over into there tail lobs. A polite but firm way of communicating that playtime was stopping as they began to seperate and the mothers searched for a good place to rest and feed their calves.


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