Orca Energy

Whale Watch Western Australia

Orca energy was high today with playful calves, a successful squid kill and multiple family pods in The Patch. A cosy cloud cover had settled in for the day with good conditions making it a rather pleasant journey out to the sighting grounds and on our arrival Shearwaters were panning for the movement of Orca. It was a flash of black and white as Scott made the call for Orca off the stern and there they were, Samurai and Shredder heading our way. The family pods we work with know the sound of our vessel and recognise us which often results in some beautiful morning greetings. Samurai beelined the GoPro and couldn’t get any closer without putting the whole camera in his mouth! Arie did a good job ensuring Samurai didn’t swim off with the GoPro but Sammy did continue to make return trips to the bow for some up close camera shots. You can see the intelligence, cheekiness and curiosity of Samurai in the images and footage from today in those eyes looking back at the camera with such interest.

Shredder was relaxed but listening in for the call from her family pod as they foraged further afield and after a while it was time for them to regroup. Queen surfaced with all of the family as a slick formed and the light, fishy scent of squid could be noticed. A large chunk of squid had also been seen on the surface before the Shearwaters made sure it disappeared quickly as all enjoyed a feast. Playtime followed as members of Queen’s family wrestled alongside us with their little faces lifting above the sea peering back our way, how beautiful to watch these intimate family interactions. The fun continued as the calves would wrestle for a while before racing back up to the family and so the pattern went as we enjoyed watching the fun being had amongst everybody. Queen swept over and collected them all and it was soon clear to see why as Lucky and her very mature family pod cruised through The Patch with a powerful presence. Orca energy shifts and changes throughout the day and it is important for us to carefully observe their body language to watch for these changes and respond accordingly. Today the Orca energy was high and as they made the most of a pretty good fishing day and the opportunity to socialise and play.

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