Orca family pod structure was observed today as we had the opportunity of traveling with matriarchs Queen and Cheryl along with their brand new calves Gabrielle and Noosabu. It was a warm and wonderful day to be out on the water as we enjoyed the cruise out towards The Patch and on our arrival John advised he was travelling with Queen and members of her family pod. It has been fantastic watching John Totterdell and his team working out on the water over the last couple of weeks as they work closely with the ABC program Catalyst to piece together the incredible story of how John first discovered the Orca and all the work he does researching them to this day. The family were travelling alongside John’s vessel and as we joined with them Tarni approached with her new baby Noosabu and it was fantastic to see them both looking so happy and content. The whole family was in high spirits as they moved out to the west before returning back to the east and we enjoyed their company along the way. Noosabu came over with mum to have a good look and it was at this moment Arry was able to capture our very first underwater footage of baby Noosabu!
After this special interaction it was a good opportunity for us to allow John to continue working with this family pod as we moved out to join with Cheryl and her pod members. It was wonderful to see them and they seemed very happy to see us as they spent their entire time socialising and engaging with everyone onboard. Swimming towards our stern and up to the bow repeatedly we were spoilt with such wonderful interactions as they enjoyed their time having some fun around the Steep Point. Four oil slicks were observed during our time with them as it appeared a good meal of squid was being enjoyed. Gabrielle has grown so much since we first sighted bub and today was looking very round and well fed, a fantastic sign to see Gabrielle putting on a healthy blubber layer. Playtime followed as Akama and her calf were not the only ones in play mode as B-Slice was incredibly interactive. It was very special to see this unique Orca family pod structure as in Orca society every family pod is led by an elder female, the matriarch. She lives with her offspring and all of her daughters offspring in a multigenerational pod that rely heavily on the matriarch for her leadership and wisdom. These pod structures are strong and last a lifetime as we enjoy the opportunity of getting to know each family and watch as the next generation are welcomed and raised to become the next apex predators of the Bremer Bay Orca population.