Orca Hunt and Play

Whale Watch Western Australia

Orca hunt and play it was today as yet another Beaked Whale kill was made before three family pods spent the rest of the day playing and socialising together. Arriving in The Patch we observed the Orca gathering close together as a large oil slick formed and food was being shared amongst pod members. Feeding began and the heavy scent of Beaked Whale was clearly noticed as Lucky and her family showed off their meal by swimming past and showing what they were carrying towards us just below the surface. It was yet another very important meal for this family especially with so many mature adults, Lucky and her pod had done well once again. After all that work it was now time to socialise and as they began to call out further pods arrived as Queen and Kidji moved in on the area. Breaching, tail slapping and tail lobs were seen all around as the three families communicated and soon all were together socialising on this lovely day.

It has been a successful run for the families with multiple Beaked Whale kills over the last week and the sustenance and energy from these important meals was certainly showing today. A few hours of playtime was enjoyed by all as pod members mingled, the mature boys flirted with the girls while the calves were wrestling and being babysat by older juveniles. One of the special sights today was watching the three elder females traveling together as Queen, Lucky and Kidji swam side by side, wouldn’t it be wonderful to know what they were communicating to each other these wise matriarchs! Wonks was also putting on a show as he practiced his dorsal fin slaps over and over, although a younger male he is starting to make use of fast growing dorsal fin. It was an incredible day with special memories made, especially when all of the calves came over to hangout just off our stern. Standing water level with these apex predators is a phenomenal experience and moments like these allow us to immerse ourselves into their world and be eye to eye with wild Orca. Always a fascinating story to watch unfold on these Orca hunt and play days with the families regrouping just as we departed to resume back to forage mode once again.


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