Orca Tours in Bremer Bay

Orca tours in Bremer Bay during January are a fantastic way to begin the year as we enjoy time with the apex predators of our ocean. Today we had the wonderful company of Cookie and her family pod along with Cooee who had a big day of foraging ahead of them. Cookie had been part of yesterdays hunt of the Beaked Whale but this morning showed that even after a decent meal it is important for the Orca to continually maintain good food intake for the family pod so foraging must resume. It was a beautiful day to be with the Orca with a big blue sky and sea enhancing the jet black and white of the Orca. Moving through the swell with ease they made consistent foraging dives in search of their next possible meal and for the first stage of the morning it appeared they may be tracking a decent sized squid through the area.

A smallish slick appeared further away which could have indicted that other members of Cooee and her family were successful in securing breakfast. After a big morning of foraging Cookie, El Notcho and the family decided it was time for a snooze as they settled in and we drifted together for a while. It is always beautiful to watch Orca sleep and see this very peaceful side to their daily lives. Drifting together we could see the close family bond as they rested as one and it was peaceful and calm. Soon though it was back to work as the family pods converged and it was lovely to also see big boy Hercules arrive on scene with a few extra pod members. Little Poppy surfaced with much excitement right alongside as she zoomed in for a big afternoon greeting as Rosemary followed closely behind. A beautiful day with the Orca as we wished them well for their afternoon ahead and enjoyed the lovely summer afternoon cruise back to the coastline.

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