The Language of the Whales™ was very loud today out in Flinders Bay as four separate pods of Humpback Whales communicated to each other with some spectacular surface behaviour sighted. One pod of two young whales were breaching, peduncle slapping, head lunging, inverted tail slapping and pec slapping just off our bow for almost one hour straight! The need to practice different behaviours is very important for these young whales and what a privilege to have front row seats to this outstanding display.
Out of the two whales the white bellied juvenile had a story to tell, if you look closely you will see that this little whale is a survivor of an Orca attack! The unmistakable “rake” marks from the Orca have healed over time and you can clearly see where the Orca held onto the fluke of this Humpback who managed to escape and is now sighted today in Augusta healthy and practicing the behaviours he will need to use throughout the rest of his life, it makes one very happy.